Blood of the White Bear

Blood of the White Bear - Marcia Calhoun Forecki, Gerald Schnitzer Blood of the White Bear was an entertaining enough read, but ultimately not a memorable one. The story line is a classic one. A pandemic breaks out and one doctor is driven to find the cure for it. It was fantastic that the doctor was a female, and a The Native American elements seemed somewhat forced into it, though. I never really felt like it was connected, even though I was obviously supposed to feel that way. Also, it was really easy to figure out where everything was going. That could be simply because I read a lot, but it took away a good portion of the enjoyment for me. A requirement for thrillers is, at minimum, a feeling of tenseness and intrigue. There was none of that.

With that being said, I want to emphasize that Blood of the White Bear was still a good read. I actually read it in two sittings that were almost back to back. I found myself taking it with me as I walked through the house and such. There's a lot going on in it - almost too much at times - but it still manages to draw you in. Engrosses might be a strong word, because you never really care about any of the characters, but it's not an easy book to just lay down.

Even though many of the Native American elements - specifically revolving around the Kachinas - seemed forced, other bits of it were interesting. Especially the drive to get ancestral pieces returned to the tribes via the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act and the sand painting (which I would love to see). The Church Rock uranium spill mentioned in the book actually happened. While I wasn't at all familiar with the event, it was horrifying to read about.

Overall, I admire the thought that the author put into the work. I would recommend it for anyone looking for a quick, easy read. Its a good 'airplane read'. You won't remember it once you get off the plane but you'll enjoy it while you're in the air.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.