Melancholy Ghost

While Melancholy Ghost immediately sucked me in, I don't feel it was as well-written as Spirit Chaser. There were areas where the writing was definitely weaker than I'd expect from the author, given my previous experience with her. This was evident in a few areas throughout the book, unfortunately mostly near the end. The writing just wasn't as sound as it could have been. Spindly foundations were laid for things we were supposed to accept later on. Some of the happenings in the book were just hard to believe. For a sequel, which always seems to be the weakest book in a trilogy (which looks like what this is shaping up to be), the weakness is not an uncommon occurrence.
But regardless of my quibbles, I enjoyed it. Moreso than I normally enjoy sequels. I loved seeing Thai, Josie, Bob, and Luis again. I worried that they wouldn't be able to support a book without Casey and Austin drawing all of our attention. I was wrong to worry about it. Though the situation with Austin is definitely the center-point of the book, Thai and the rest of the Spirit Chasers easily hold Melancholy Ghost aloft. Especially getting to see them through their grieving process over Austin's death, and the struggle as the crew learns the new twist in things.
Kat Mayor has something special in The Spirit Chaser series. The lady also knows how to tie up a book in way that will leave you needing more. The first book is one that I still think about. Melancholy Ghost's isn't quite as huge but still made me sit up and pay attention. I can't wait to see what she comes out with next in this series. I'm officially hooked.
Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the author for review consideration.