Joe Ledger: The Official Companion

I can't really put my finger on why I'm kind of just 'alright' with this, so I'll just leave it with some thoughts.
-The 'introduction' of the interviewer just didn't hit the right note for me. Most of the interviewer's questions had me going "Really? You're supposed to be composing the history of the DMS, and these fanboy-ish, 5th grader level questions are what you're asking? REALLY?
-The character interview ANSWERS had me cracking up up at times. Especially Bunny's.
-I had no clue there was cookie code. Whilst I am somewhat delighted by the knowledge, I have zero desire to figure it out.
-The descriptions and sometimes pictures of the weapons were actually really helpful. Like "Honey Boom Boom" was something I was never able to visualize in my head.
-It feels like at least half of this is devoted to summarizing the events in all the books and stories, and while that's helpful for the short stories I haven't read, the pages upon pages of regurgitating the novel plots were something I just skimmed over.
-The 'friends in the industry' was an interesting aspect. I don't think I ever actually fully read any of the mini-profiles, but I can appreciate the shout-out to their fellow authors.
-I liked the interview with Ray Porter. Because I love the audio books, the voices he gives to the characters ARE the voices of the characters to me. Joe, Top, Bunny, etc. When I'm thinking about them for any reason, I'm hearing their voices through him.
Note: There were more than a few mistakes that a proofreader should have caught (most often with the first letter in a word just being completely missing).
Note2: My mom and I have spent way too much time fancasting Church. I would have loved to have seen who Maberry had in mind. Then I could have argued with her some more over it. LOL