The Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum

This was a cute book. The title/cover made me chuckle, the setting was so small-town, and the characters so typical that it really did fit the ‘cozy mystery’ tag. I had to keep reminding myself that there was a mystery (there legitimately is one, by the way), because this was just such a light read for me that I couldn’t take it seriously.
Light on the romance, just enough of the paranormal stuff to earn the title, two cops that seriously reminded me of the blonde girl and her boss from Fringe, and the requisite motorcycle hunk plus the small-town girl discovering that she missed home after all (aww!), are all stirred thoroughly and written well enough to keep you reading.
Quirky, entertaining, and light, with a satisfying ending, The Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum is perfectly proper (sorry) for a comfortable read on a cold night.
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Disclaimer: Received a copy free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.